AWS Lambda vs. Google Cloud Functions

August 23, 2021

AWS Lambda vs. Google Cloud Functions

When it comes to serverless computing, AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions are two of the most popular choices. Both platforms allow developers to run code without the need to provision or manage servers. They offer several advantages, including reduced cost, scalability, and faster deployment times.

So, if you're starting a new project or considering migrating, which platform should you choose? In this post, we’ll compare AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions and help you make an informed decision.

What are AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions?

AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions are both serverless cloud computing platforms that enable developers to run code in response to events without the need to manage servers. They are part of the broader serverless computing category and are built on top of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platforms.

AWS Lambda works best with other Amazon Web Services (AWS) products and offers support for several development languages, including Node.js, Python, Java, C#, and Go. It provides automatic scaling, flexible computing power, and serverless execution to developers.

Google Cloud Functions is part of the Google Cloud Platform and supports Node.js, Python, Go, Java, .NET, Ruby, and PHP. It provides scalable compute resources, automatic scaling, real-time triggers, and integrated testing.

Even though both platforms offer similar functionalities, there are some key differences to consider before deciding on one.

Performance Comparison

When comparing performance, AWS Lambda generally holds an advantage in computational power, and Google Cloud Functions is faster than Lambda when it comes to cold start times.

According to a benchmarking report by Codemotion, AWS Lambda demonstrated better memory performance and was more efficient with large workloads. Google Cloud Functions, on the other hand, excelled in smaller workloads and had shorter cold start times.

Moreover, Google Cloud Functions supports standard HTTP triggers and web sockets, and AWS Lambda has Edge computing features that enable faster response times.

Pricing Comparison

AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions both have a similar pricing model where developers are charged for function invocations and the time it takes to execute them. Amazon calculates the pricing based on the number of requests and usage time, and Google Cloud Functions charge based on the number of requests, memory used, and execution time.

However, they differ in their free tier limits. Google Cloud Functions offers 2 million requests per month with 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time, whereas AWS Lambda offers 1 million requests per month and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time.

Integration Comparison

Both AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions provide a multitude of integrations with other services. However, AWS Lambda's integration with other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources enables developers to build more complex and scalable systems.

On the other hand, Google Cloud Functions has a strong integration with Google Cloud Platform, and due to its focus on APIs and integrations, developers can easily use it for building and deploying applications and APIs on the platform.


Choosing between AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions solely depends on your specific use case, applications, and development stack. Both platforms offer several advantages and ideal use cases. When making a final decision, take into account developers' familiarity, pricing models, performance requirements, integrations, and necessary features.

Ultimately, both platforms offer similar functionalities, and developers can quickly switch between the two if they ever need to.


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